Advanced Learners
CMS is committed to providing learning opportunities that stretch all students, including our advanced learners. Our approach to curriculum and instruction provides opportunities for all students to excel in areas of interest and aptitude. With the implementation of the Common Core Standards, all of our academic classes and most of our electives include higher order thinking and problem solving as an integral part of the course. Our full elective program also allows students to pursue their passion in areas not typically serviced by GATE such as art, music, language development, and science. The following are some of the opportunities available to all motivated learners at CMS, including our accelerated learners.
- High school level courses such as Integrated Math I, French I, French II, Spanish I, Spanish II, Chinese I and Chinese II.
- Numerous electives such as band, advanced band, orchestra, advanced orchestra, chorus, Chamber Choir, art, technology (including programming), industrial arts, and drama.
- Academic electives such as Nature Studies (Rigorous science elective) and our World Language classes.
- Differentiated assignments in each curricular area that allow for varying levels of sophistication in completing the assignments. Examples of this include the Science Fair, Medieval Newspaper, Archeological Dig, Boston Massacre Trial, Mousetrap Car Competition, Bridge Building Competition, Reading Like a Historian, etc.
- A high quality, integrated writing development program in all ELA classes that include 5-7 longer writing assignments each year that allow accelerated learners to excel based on their aptitude and interest in writing.
- Academic field trips to augment and enrich the students' classroom learning such as, the Outdoor Education Programs in 7th grade, and the East Coast and Lava Beds trips in 8th grade.
- California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) honor society for students who achieve the necessary grade point average. .
- Academic competitions open to all students including the Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, Battle of the Books, Mathletics, and Science Olympiads
- Academic incentives, as well as our end of year Academic Honors Nights for each grade.
- Student of the Trimester Recognition for a variety of qualities, including exception academics.
- College Week Program where every teacher gives a presentation on their alma mater to each of their classes. Counselors also give a talk entitled, "College: How to Make It Happen" that provides a primer on what it takes to get into college.
- Readistep Program for all 8th grade students that provides feedback on college and career readiness based on an assessment developed to mimic the PSAT and SAT.